Book Other Tales

This is a sequel to An Internal Matter, set ten years later… i.e., “now”. When somebody asked me for this, I thought it was about the most random bonus story request I’ve heard yet… but it planted a seed, and it may yet tie into ongoing events. Enjoy!


I got a couple requests to write a story with a female dwarf in it. One has actually appeared in the story before, but it was quite a ways back… in the 40s, I think… so I figured it was time to give her some more screen time. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!

Once again, there was a surprising rush of emails asking about a particular character… or actually, two of them, as I also got three requests for Jimmy the Necromancer. Luckily that works out.


A couple of people have asked for some clarification regarding the hints dropped about goblin reproduction/child-rearing.

Blame them.



Two rarely seen characters.

