Stories in which Amaranth appears:

Amaranth is a “cereal nymph”, a domesticated field nymph. She came to be a student at Magisterius University along with her sister-nymph Barley. She is something of a know-it-all, though she means well. She is in a serious relationship with Mackenzie, though she continues to have loving and joyous sex with other people.

In Which Mackenzie Works Out Some Kinks With Her New Device

In Which Mackenzie Reconnects

In Which Two Heads Are Better

In Which Amaranth’s Experimental Side Comes Out

In Which Amaranth Has Just One Thing On Her Mind

In Which Mackenzie Reasons To Listen

In Which Dee Holds Back

In Which Hazel Is An Overlooked Possibility

In Which Ian Wants Steff

In Which Dee Drops In