Bonus Story: Diary of a Golem Girl 2

on October 6, 2007 in Other Tales

Bonus story! Actual chapter coming later, at closer to the usual time. This entry covers the events of “last Monday” (from the current chapters’ point of view), the first day of classes.


Dear Diary:

Delia Daella is already awake and putting on her robes when I wake up.
I am asked if I want to come to morning meditation with Delia Daella.
I want to do what I’m told.
I am told to come to morning meditation with Delia Daella.
We go to a room in the basement of the religious studies building.
I am told to sit and clear my mind.
We meditate for an hour.
I am asked if I liked meditating and tell Delia Daella that I do.
I am asked why and tell Delia Daella it is nice to know that I am not supposed to do anything for an hour.
Delia Daella looks angry and then she laughs.
I am told to meditate for up to an hour when nobody is around and I don’t know what else to do.

Dee leaves.

I meditate some more.

My first class of the day is culinary arts.
The instructor Professor Weintraub spends the entire period going over the syllabus and the equipment we will be using.
I had thought a spatula was a flat rubber instrument for scraping and spreading but I was mistaken.
It is actually a flat instrument for lifting and flipping.

My second class is animation theory but it is just an hour of reading from the book which I have already read.
It is kind of like meditating.
I see Mack as I am leaving but she does not see me.
I am not supposed to follow people around looking for orders.

I see Mack at lunch anyway.

There is banana pudding at the dessert counter but I am instructed not to eat the same thing for two meals in a row.
I consider that breakfast is a meal and I did not have banana pudding at breakfast since I did not eat breakfast, but I do not know if that is how a meal should be counted.

I am unsure if dessert is even part of a meal.

I am asked if I am okay.
I am unable to find fault with my condition.

Mack asks me if I have a problem and I tell her I need clarification.
I am told to ask for clarification as I require it.
I ask if dessert is part of a meal or not, using banana pudding as an example.
Amaranth explains different ways of looking at dessert but I still do not know what to do.

I am asked if I want banana pudding.
I want to do what I’m told.

Mack tells me that for the purpose of my instructions, dessert is separate.

I think that Mack understands me because she is like me in some ways.
I think that Mack understands me because she is like me in some ways.
I think that Mack understands me because she is like me in some ways.
I think that Mack understands me because she is like me in some ways.

I meditate some after lunch but am unable to do so for a full hour because I have bludgeons class.

I do not think I like bludgeons class.

After my class I do my homework.
I go back to the lounge and try to clean it, but I am told that I am getting in the way of people watching TV.
I thought the table and counter were not in the way of the TV but I was mistaken.
I am informed that I am stupid and dumb and ugly and stupid.
I think I would like to be ugly.
I am told to get lost.
I am told to get really really really lost and never ever ever come back and never tell anybody who told me to do so or answer questions about what they told me.
Suzi and Sooni think this is very funny.

I go to the labyrinth.

Amaranth stops me and orders me to stay out of the labyrinth.
I do not know how I feel about that.
I am asked what I was thinking and tell her that I was thinking it was the only place I could get really lost.
Amaranth says she will take me to the dining hall so I don’t get lost.
She holds my hand.
Amaranth is nice.

I am asked what I was doing at the labyrinth and say I was told to get lost.
I am unable to answer questions about who told me to do so and am told to disregard the questions.
I am told by Amaranth not to do anything the person who ordered me to get lost tells me to do.
Mack and Amaranth have a disagreement about orders.
I am told to disregard Amaranth’s previous instruction.
I am told to ignore any orders from the person who ordered me to get lost.
I am told to ignore any orders that counter Mack’s orders and any orders which undo that order.

A half-elf that I don’t know joins us on the way to dinner.
He wears a skirt.
His name is Steff.
Amaranth kisses him on the cheek.
He kisses Amaranth like people who do sex things together do.

Puddy is not at dinner because she went to town.
I am glad.
I am told to go get my food.
I do so.
The place where the banana pudding was now has vanilla pudding.
I get some of the vanilla pudding.
There are sprinkles for the ice cream and some of the ice cream is vanilla, like the pudding.
I put sprinkles on the pudding.
The sprinkles don’t really taste like anything.but they look nice.

Amaranth and Steff do a lot of talk about sex things.
Everybody teases Mack a lot.
Mack seems to like some of the teasing and not like some of it.
Nobody pays much attention to me.but I am happy to be with them.
Amaranth holds my hand on the way back to the dorm and kisses me on the cheek before she goes off with Steff to his side of the dorms.

I go to my room.
Dee is doing homework.
I say “Hi, Dee.”
She says nothing for a while and then she says hello to me.
I am asked if I will help her with her homework.
I tell her I am not able to do work for another student but I will help as much as I can if I am told to.
I am told to help her with her homework.
I visualize different things that she tells me to for a little more than an hour.
I go to bed.

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2 Responses to “Bonus Story: Diary of a Golem Girl 2”

  1. hmmm says:

    Sounds like Two thinks of Delia as a friend, since she calls her Dee. Also seems like ‘Dee’ was maybe editing or experimenting with Two’s programming. Maybe trying to see if she could read a golems mind.

    Current score: 2
    • Majikkani_Hand says:

      I think she probably was just taking a subtle arts class and needed a partner for her homework.

      Current score: 7