In Which Acantha Puts The Mockbox To A Creative Use

We each took a box. Acantha went into hers immediately and shut the door. I approached mine a little more slowly.

I’d been through the process many times before, but this was the first time there wasn’t anyone who would threaten to dump me out of it if I dawdled and I was supposed to be learning what I could about the boxes, so I took my time.

I didn’t close the door immediately… doing so triggered the duplicating enchantments. Most modern items that were always on or had a convenience trigger like this had what was called a negative invocation or a hold word… a way for the user to temporarily suspend the enchantment. I couldn’t exactly foresee a situation where it would be terribly important for someone to be inside the box with the door closed without triggering a duplicate, but being able to suspend the enchantment could be considered a safety feature, in general terms.

Extending my magical senses, I “felt” around the complex structure of spells that made the box work. What I was looking for was there for the user to interact with, so it would be something bright and obvious among the tangle of spells.

And there it was… a trigger phrase tied to a spell of negation. Untangling the bound-up threads of energy that made up the trigger and translating them into intelligible language was the sort of thing that required specialist knowledge and a lot of time, which is why trigger words had been an effective way for wizards to protect their wands and staves for centuries.

Nowadays we had other magic items for teasing out the right syllables… well, a very general “we” did. The more specific “we” did not.

“Power word off,” I said, trying some of the common ones. “Hold. Suspend.” Those might have been too common. “Fini?”

At fini, I felt something… a kind of shift or click, and a definite momentary dimming of power… but only a momentary one. I was pretty sure that the box was fully operational, as sure as I could be without closing the door. I was about to remove that last bit of doubt when I heard the other box open.

“Ms. Mackenzie, did you… do something to my box?” she asked.

“…I might have,” I said, ducking out of mine in time to catch Acantha closing a clamshell compact, similar to the one with my magic mirror but in a different style. I wondered if she’d been about to contact someone about whatever problem I’d just apparently caused. “Sorry, I was trying to see if I could suspend the enchantment. I mean, using an existing function I discovered, I wasn’t trying to disenchant them. But I was addressing my box, so I’m not sure why it would affect yours?”

“Ah,” she said. “I believe you actually accessed a termination feature rather than a suspension one.”

“Termination?” I said. I had an image flash into my brain of using it to win a fight on a technicality by eliminating my opponent with a word, but that image was quickly replaced by one of Coach Callahan kicking my ass, or worse, kicking me out of class. Winning by any means possible didn’t extend to winning by means that only applied if my opponent was a phantasm conjured by a specific device used for simulated battles. “That makes sense… it was definitely a negation spell… I’m not sure how you would set up a temporary suppression of an enchantment, to be honest, but now that I’m thinking about it I’m guessing it would look a lot less like a dispel magic effect?”

“You are quite correct,” she said. “As for why it affected my box, they are closely linked… it could be an unintentional bleed-through, which could potentially be very bad.”

“Yeah,” I said. “But since they were meant to be used together, I could also see it being intentional… an emergency stop feature that shuts the whole thing down.”

“The word you used was… f-i-n-i?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I guess you heard me?”

“Actually, I was preoccupied with the contents of my box,” she said. “But there was a list of command words in one of the documents… I don’t believe it specified the intended scope of effect, but that may be elaborated upon elsewhere. For now, I will make a note of this possible issue and follow up on it later to learn if it is a feature or a flaw. For safety’s sake, I suggest we not experiment with such words until we know more of what we’re dealing with.”

“Agreed… and I’d appreciate a copy of the list,” I said. “It’ll be simpler than trying to find them by guessing and feel.”

“Of course,” she said. “And if it is evidence of an underlying issue, I will make certain you receive due credit for stumbling upon it.”

“…actually, I’m not sure I want credit for anything like that,” I said. “If there are problems, I want to find them, but I’m pretty fine with your name going on any report of them.”

“I see,” she said. “Well, I am not here for personal aggrandizement, but one never knows when a little cachet will come in handy.”

“I’m kind of surprised at the idea that there would be an error with a safety protocol of all things,” I said. “I mean, I don’t know what kind of process went into creating these things, but I know it would have taken serious work by serious enchanters… I can’t believe they wouldn’t have better quality control. I mean, I know they’re prototypes, but wouldn’t it have been caught?”

“The exact issue may only become evident in certain circumstances, such as when both boxes are occupied,” she said. “If I understand the sequence of events, you used the termination word when my box was active but yours wasn’t… this is exactly the sort of situation that can easily pass unnoticed, since those responsible for weaving the spells wouldn’t expect anyone to terminate a spell that hadn’t been activated.”

“True. Anyway, I’m sorry I interrupted your testing,” I said.

“Oh?” she said. “Oh. Yes. Well… we had not precisely moved onto what I would call the testing phase, per se.”

“…but you said your box was active,” I said.

“…this is correct,” she said.

“When you said ‘we’… wait. Were you… were you checking your lipstick when you came out?”

“A reflex,” she said. “Obviously any smudging that may or may not have occurred would have been as illusionary as the injuries you suffer when a mockery attacks you.”

“You used the mockbox to make out with yourself,” I said. “Is that the reason you volunteered?”

“I can assure you, it did not form a part of my plans,” she said. “Ms. Mackenzie, try to understand… the elven concept of beauty is me. I don’t mean myself, Acantha… I mean the concept identified by the first person objective personal pronoun. The Pax word ‘narcissism’ is derived from an elven word meaning, roughly, ‘self-image’.”

“I’d heard that, but I wasn’t sure it wasn’t a joke,” I said.

“It isn’t. Imagine if you found yourself face to face in an enclosed space with the most beautiful person you can imagine, and you find that you both wanted the same thing…”

“You don’t have to draw me a picture,” I said, which was technically true because the one forming in my mind was probably more vivid and more lurid than anything she could have described. “We should probably get back to… what we’re supposed to be doing.”

“I agree,” she said. “I just need to absent myself for a minute or two to… compose myself.”

“Okay,” I said, and she hurried out of the room.

When she came back a few minutes later, she did look a bit more composed… though she’d never really looked that de-composed.

“On the subject of being an elf…” I said, since it had occurred to me that she might have some insight into the situation with Glory. Normally I wouldn’t have dragged a teacher into my personal life, but we weren’t exactly interacting as teacher and student at the moment anyway.


“I’ve got sort of a… a tenuous association forming with some of the elven students from Treehome,” I said. “I’m trying to be fair to them but also reasonably careful.”

“A prudent position,” she said.

“So I was wondering if you could tell me anything about middling culture,” I said.

“The first thing that you need to understand is that there is no middling culture,” she said. “At least, there is not any one single such culture. The middlings who join or form enclaves are essentially creating an island off the coast of the continent of whichever elven culture they originated from… in some cases these islands may be close enough to be in sight of the shore, but others are quite isolated and deserted.”

“Do a lot of middlings not do that?” I asked.

“No,” she said. “I, for instance, opted out before I even reached middling age. I apprenticed myself to a human enchanter—well, I was more of a maid than an apprentice, to begin with—when I was twelve… still a child in the eyes of my culture, but most humans of that age in that age would have expected to be securing their future in some fashion by that point. Even today, there are middlings who take advantage of the fact that they are adults under the law of the Imperium to enter the workforce or pursue what you would call a ‘traditional’ education. The drawback to this approach is that the concept of middling years is so ingrained in elven culture… it’s seen as a rite of passage, part of the necessary maturation process. Those who skip it will forever be treated as if they are a bit childish, since they didn’t go through it.”

“Even though you’ve got an eighty year head start on acting like an adult?” I said.

“Eighty years isn’t so much, in the long run,” Acantha said. “Though perhaps I shouldn’t say forever… it is, after all, an awfully long time.”

“Do you know anything about the culture of Treehome, then?” I asked. “I mean, since you’re teaching here anyway, have you learned anything about it?”

“I have not,” she said. “I will not be here for long, and in the event that I had to deal with any elven students, they would be lone individuals and so I saw no point in prejudicing myself by making inquiries into the place they come from. Besides, the most likely outcome of an elven student ending up in my class would be that they would transfer out of it. Middlings tend to be fiercely protective of their isolation from the world of elven adults… and similarly, among mature elves, it’s considered unseemly to meddle or even pry too deeply into their affairs.”

“But you said that other elves don’t see you as mature, anyway,” I said.

“That’s all the more reason for me to cultivate an air of maturity,” she said. “Please do not misunderstand me, Ms. Mackenzie… the human world has been very good to me, but I am still an elf. I would no more change that, given the opportunity, than I would sand the points off my ears.”

“I take your point,” I said.

“Oh, but I hope you don’t,” she said, covering her ears. It took me a moment to understand that she was joking, since her tone didn’t change at all. Acantha wasn’t monotonous, she was… controlled. “Was there anything else?”

“No,” I said. “I guess we should get back to it.”

“Indeed,” she said. “But remember… stay clear of that command word. A reliable enchanted item will function correctly every single time it is used. One with a flaw or quirk is less predictable… it may well fail differently each time. If the word was not meant to behave the way that they did, the next misbehavior may well be less innocuous.”

“…when you put it like that, it sounds like we shouldn’t be using them at all until we’ve cleared it up,” I said. “Safety first, right?”

“What?” she said. “Oh, yes, correct again… I doubt your coach would appreciate you withdrawing in fear when she’s hoping for your support, but since you were willing to give me credit for the flaw, I will also take the blame. As I know you are not allowed to use the boxes without supervision, you may tell her that I ended the test session to pursue more information about this potential issue.”

“Thanks,” I said. “But couldn’t we still examine them, without invoking the enchantments at all? I’d meant to get a good look at the structure of the enchantments before I even closed the door… we could prop them open, just to be extra sure.”

“No, I’m afraid you’ve convinced me,” she said. “I understand your enthusiasm for poking at powerful magical things, but if the issue is that it is behaving upredictably, we shouldn’t try to predict what will or won’t be safe. The enchantments will keep for another day, I promise.”

“Okay,” I said, a little reluctantly… I hadn’t really been pushing for it even when I brought up the possible danger, but I couldn’t argue with the logic.

If it turned out that the command word was meant to be linked to both boxes, there would be no harm to the project overall because we’d stopped to check that… and if there was an unknown quirk in the enchantment, there would be no harm to us if we didn’t stumble blindly into it.

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34 Responses to “Chapter 166: Three’s Company”

  1. DeNarr says:

    Haha, the idea of Acantha making out with herself is amazing. It is funny to see Mackenzie being the more responsible one.

    Current score: 0
  2. JewceGewse says:

    the holodeck is going to come alive and kill try to them….again

    Current score: 0
    • PrometheanSky says:

      Though in this case, that’s a feature, not a bug.

      Current score: 0
      • Ryzndmon says:

        Uh-huh. And Acantha just had the idea for the MUniverse’s first synth-ale/synthahol. While making out with a red-shirt.
        Make out so, Number 1!

        Current score: 0
  3. Cadnawes says:

    Huh. Guess now we know why elves with odd colored hair have it so rough.

    Current score: 0
  4. 'Nym-o-maniac says:

    Oh man. I can’t stop laughing at Acantha making out with herself. That’s fantastic.

    And I was really hoping to get more mockbox practical examinations. Alas! Well, there’s always a future chapter.

    Current score: 0
  5. Zathras IX says:

    In which Acantha
    Show us that elf-pleasure is
    Often self-pleasure

    Current score: 0
  6. zeel says:

    Haha, I would not have expected her to be the one to get kinky with a mockery. But we all knew someone would. . .

    Current score: 0
  7. Yumi says:

    Well, I feel like Mack did potentially learn something about Glory… in that physical similarity may be more of a factor in her relationship with Grace than actually being related. I guess Grace is lucky genetics played out that way.

    Current score: 0
  8. TheTurnipKing says:

    I’m actually kind of surprised that Acantha is the first one to pull this. She’s not the first elf to have used the Mockboxes, surely?

    The first in MU who’s not had Callahan breathing over her shoulder, perhaps…

    Current score: 0
    • JewceGewse says:

      she found a new application and market. its like mock kegs but better, for the elven population it puts those sex golems out of business

      Current score: 0
      • TheTurnipKing says:

        A “new” application? More like the oldest.

        Current score: 0
      • sengachi says:

        Seriously, first time I saw these mockboxes I thought “How long until the first illusory self-orgy?” Actually … what would happen if you made a power source big enough to power them for a year, then had two illusions have a kid? What would happen when it turned off? And even weirder,what if you took a dragon, cloned them, had one of them change genders, and then they had a kid?

        Current score: 0
        • Zergonapal says:

          I think part of the doppelganger effect is that the original and copy are competing for the same resources. If you have the copy persist for a significant length of time you have to feed, cloth and give it somewhere to sleep. The moxbox dances around this effect by planting the subconscious idea that the copy will not persist. But magic has a short temper when it comes to half truths so I don’t think the subconscious idea would hold and the doppelganger effect would come into play.

          Current score: 0
    • Brenda says:

      These particular mockboxes have only been used in fighting class and practice. I wouldn’t expect anyone to have access to them outside of class, unless it was a special case like Mack’s.

      Current score: 0
      • TheTurnipKing says:

        They’re a prototype. Before they were set loose on MU, SOMEONE had to build them.

        Current score: 0
    • Mist says:

      The doppelgänger effect would override people mock ups before these particular boxes were created. Thus bad Kirk would always find worse Kirk itching for more fighting than loving..

      Current score: 0
  9. Rafinius says:

    Maaaaan. Teasing us with the explorations of the mockboxes, just to then cancel it.

    This chapter explains a lot about elves.

    Current score: 0
    • LurkerDreams says:

      Explains a lot about elves…but what does it say about heterosexual elves?

      Current score: 0
      • William Carr says:

        What, the “Elf-Gay” ? They’re kind of rare.

        Current score: 0
  10. pedestrian says:

    Hmm, stumbling around blindly while whacking away with a big stick at unpredictably dangerous enchantments amidst random pitfalls and mobile mantraps.

    I’d think Coach Callahan could approve of that.

    Current score: 0
  11. Erm says:

    In Which Acantha Puts The Mockbox To A Creative Use

    Yeah right; I’m not going to fall for the red-herring innuendo in the chapter title this time.

    “When you said ‘we’… wait. Were you… were you checking your lipstick when you came out?”

    … oh.

    Dammit, HALF-WAY THERE:

    Would it count as Something Goes Wrong if the next chapter is just one extended four-way clone-sex scene, or is that more of an Everything Goes Right?

    Current score: 0
  12. Krey says:

    Am I the only one who predicts this fini command to be a purposeful feature in case you have a foe you can’t defeat?

    Current score: 0
    • Brenda says:

      Well, someone gets defeated in every bout during class. It wouldn’t always be the non-mocked person, and there hasn’t been a problem so far. I guess if it was some kind of a berserker, that would fit what you’re saying.

      Current score: 0
  13. Cylpheed says:

    …Did Mack just unintentionally cunt-blocked someone!?
    Specifically a teacher for one of her classes? Who just found the most “beautiful” person she would ever find (herself). Hope that doesn’t affect her grade. -.-”

    Current score: 0
    • blargrar says:

      and its her favorite teacher who’s value to her future was just explained when mac considered who to side with, her or callahan. 1 class vs her whole major

      Current score: 0
  14. Hollowgolem says:

    It’s funny, early on I got occasionally squicked out by the odd explicit sexuality (yeah, yeah, why was I reading, then?), but I can’t like: I was sort of hoping for its momentary return here.

    It almost seems like, especially in Year 2, the pendulum has swung the other way, making this story completely dry, so to speak.

    The grass is always greener when there are two identical elves.

    Current score: 0
  15. Readaholic says:

    Whelp, that explains a LOT about elves.

    Current score: 0
  16. pedestrian says:

    As my thoughts wander
    if Elven pedigrees
    could be measured
    by Kelvin degrees

    I would ponder
    of that wild magic
    Faeries treasured
    is cliche and tragic

    Current score: 0
  17. Mad Nige says:

    A few random thoughts on possibly unconsidered interactions (looking at it in my role as a software test designer) –
    * Can the same person be mocked in both boxes, so there is a red and a blue mock, and do these suffer the doppelganger effect with each other (probably not, as they’re different colours)
    * Can a single mockbox be used by two different people at the same time (two people in the box together), so that you have two different mocks of the same colour?
    * How about one after the other?
    * If you can mock two different people one after the other, why not the same person twice (which should trigger the doppelganger effect)
    * Can a mock be mocked in the other box?
    * What colour would the the 2nd mock be?
    * If the 2nd mock is purple, and enough enchantment exists to prevent a doppelganger, could we still force a doppelganger by mocking someone in both red and blue, then simultaneously mocking the mocks in the box of the other colour?

    –where’s my anorak?

    Current score: 0
    • TheTurnipKing says:

      You can’t mock the same person twice at the same time without mocking a mockery. I would expect the boxes would would have safeguards against mocking something that they’d already created. (The closest you might get would be to simultaneously mock twins or very similar people? Grace and her sister, for example.).

      Secondly I suspect that the mockeries aren’t identical, just very very similar. From a mathematical standpoint, you might asume that the property of sameness is a floating point value rather than a boolean property, I assume that they have a very high value of “sameness” (say, 0.99 or lower). I’m not sure what the threshold of the value is to trigger the doppleganger effect is (100% sameness obviously would), and obviously it’s riding the value pretty close, but is also far enough to allow very simple modifications to the doppleganger, like colour and possibly psyche modifications that prevent them from being overly bothered about being “disposable” clones? Obviously an object which had a value of “1” for sameness would be identical and would have to be EXACTLY the same as the original which for these boxes would not be desirable.

      So I assume that if it WERE possible to mock a mock, later generations of copy would presumably be slowly but surely increasingly characterised by their differences from the “original”? Kind of like repeatedly making a copy of a magnetic tape?

      …Of course all of this is assuming SCIENCE, and that the MUniverse isn’t waiting to throw in it’s monkey wrench in what I’ve taken to calling the DM principle.

      Current score: 0
      • TheTurnipKing says:

        The DM principle basically states that, If it’s cool enough, the Muniverse might let you away with it… once. But it reserves the right to make it completely impossible as soon as you’re done. (I suspect Callahan’s entire existence might well be due to abusing this.)

        Current score: 0
  18. pedestrian says:

    You gotta wonder about the society that was so advanced in use of magic and strong enough to control their breeding subjects?

    I presume with the intent to produce a lineage of warriors, powerful enough, competent enough to challenge divine beings and win.

    What threat could have been so dangerous, yet not so immediate, allowing them time to complete their weapons breeding program?

    Yet that Ancien régime no longer exists? Callahan is the last of those designed super-soldiers? What events could have destroyed her siblings?

    I have a vague recollection that Callahan had children or grandchildren?
    Perhaps I am confusing Callahan with the Blaises?

    If Callahan did breed, how did they turn out?
    Perhaps she is a sterile hybrid such as a mule and had to adopt?

    Current score: 0